Current Affairs
Nachbericht zum Anwendertreffen 2025
Mit dem letzten Anwendertreffen in Hildesheim ging eine erfolgreiche Veranstaltungsreihe zu Ende. In insgesamt vier Städten - Aachen, Biberach, Rosenheim und Hildesheim - durften wir mehr als 700 Kunden willkommen heißen. Der persönliche Austausch, [...]
Our new team members in Hildesheim
Welcome! Since 1st March 2022 and 1st May 2022 respectively our team has grown with the arrivals of René Krüger und Samuel Roggendorf. Both of them support the development team in Hildesheim. We are [...]
DACH+HOLZ International 2022 in Cologne – what happened
At DACH+HOLZ in Cologne many visitors made use of the opportunity to get to know cadwork and our team, and to experience our version 29 innovations.After an almost two-and-a-half year break due to corona [...]
Get to know cadwork.
Consistency from draft via design to production, plus high degrees of flexibility and user friendliness – these are the essential qualities which have distinguished cadwork’s 3D-CAD/CAM software for over 30 years. Let us convince you!
cadwork’s CAD customers are working all over Europe, the US, Canada, Russia, China and other parts of the world. Our international presence offers you a high level of investment security. Timber builders and joineries all have different requirements, but all 3D-CAD/CAM users share the same objective to achieve fast, safe, reliable and cost-saving planning, production and assembly processes.
We’re here for you.

Convincing client projects.
How better measure our software’s flexibility and efficiency than to take a look at the fascinating projects which have been and are being realised by our 5,000 customers and 10,000 users from around the world.
We are pleased to present a variety of our client projects in this section to demonstrate cadwork’s convincing and diverse capabilities with real-life examples.