You have the job, we have the solution.

From planning via design right through to manufacture and construction, cadwork covers every aspect of timber construction, interior work and furniture manufacture. Its easy handling, complete designs, meaningful drawings, complete lists and output of all data for mechanical production provide you with a decisive competitive advantage.
Even steel, massive and mixed constructions can completely be processed by cadwork without any need for expensive specialist solutions.
Tailor-made solutions included
Our reasonably priced timber construction package has been adapted to the extensive and diverse range of timber builders‘ tasks. It provides a complete solution, which makes consistent working very easy. From unrestricted free design and output of lists and drawings to visualisations for your customers and ease of cooperation with other specialist planners in the context of BIM/IFC, this package offers everything you require to enter a new dimension of timber construction planning.
The modules cadwork 2D, cadwork 3D, list output, manual and automatic drawing generation, export of cadwork WebViewer files for visualisations as well as DXF/DWG and IFC interface are all included in the cadwork timber construction package. All necessary functions in order to fully process any 3D design and produce meaningful drawings are available to you.
For projects which require an even higher degree of automisation, cadwork’s timber construction package can be extended with the modules cadwork Roof, cadwork Element, cadwork Stairs, cadwork Machine Beam Processing, cadwork Machine Panel Processing, cadwork Machine Multifunction Bridge, cadwork Lamella, cadwork Variant and a number of further specialist modules.
According to our experience, cadwork clients’ field of activity is quickly expanding as a result of the ever-increasing possibilities in the areas of design and drawing output. cadwork does not only provide you with independence, but this excellent tool also offers you the opportunity to successfully enter the wide variety of exciting and lucrative niche markets in timber construction. If specialist modules become of interest to you at a later stage by entering new fields of work, they can be added to cadwork timber construction package at any time. We are happy to advise you regarding our additional modules, offer specialised training and gladly activate modules for trial.